Tuesday 6 May 2014

First Posting (could be the only one) (could be a while for next)

Have you ever found yourself ironing or walking (or doing something else that requires little thought whilst your doing it) and an amazing thought or idea just pops into your head? The setting of a story, some inspirational thought provoking statement or an idea for something fun and exciting to do. But alas as soon as these thoughts pop into your heads they seem to get lost in the very next moment or forgotten until the next time your waiting for your cheese on toast to melt.  Well this was one of those ideas!  I've decided enough is enough brain, your going to write these meaningless babbles down for some other unfortunate person to absorb and spit out! Yes my spelling is atrocious ( I even had to check that spelling) and yes these will likely be the random ramblings of my mind, but I hope somebody somewhere enjoys reading them, if not never mind at least I can come back one day and observe what strange thoughts ran through my head at the time.

I aim to talk about a variety of things in randomised ways, this will be a compilation of random thoughts and ideas.

                                         However it will likely consist of ...

  • Video game rants, raves and reviews
  • Hstorical views and questions
  • Food for thought
  • The education system and teaching in primary schools
  • Fun ideas and things to make and do
  • and many more things I'm sure

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